Notification of PT Jala Lintas Media Company Logo Changes

Notification of PT Jala Lintas Media Company Logo Changes

Cibinong, 07 November 2022

Letter Number: EXT-PR-JLM-001-XI-2022

Regarding: Notification of PT Jala Lintas Media Company Logo Changes



All Customers and Business Partners of PT Jala Lintas Media




As part of our efforts to continuously improve the quality of our services, we hereby inform you that PT Jala Lintas Media has officially launched a new logo as our new identity which is in line with our commitment to continue to strive to provide the best service for our loyal customers. 

The following is a new form of the PT Jala Lintas Media Logo


PT Jala Lintas Media

PT Jala Lintas Media


In this regard, starting December 1, 2022, all documents and correspondence related to PT Jala Lintas Media have officially used the new company logo.

Thus we convey this information. Thank you for your attention and cooperation.


Jala Lintas Media, Connecting the Trust


Best regards,


Victor Irianto

CEO PT Jala Lintas Media